Knowledge Base

Mirror Cards

In this article


  1. Click a card.
    KB Cards Mirror Cards - Card
  2. Find the Mirror panel on the card and expand it.
  3. Select a board. You will notice that once you select the board, the menu options will be specific to the board you choose to mirror a card to (columns, owners, and labels).
selecting a board for mirrored cards

Please note that the current board will not be available to select because mirror cards can only exist on a different board.


  1. When you are finished customizing your mirrored card, click “Mirror”.
    KB Cards Mirror Cards - Finish Mirror
  2. Once you click the Mirror button, your mirrored card will be created on the board you specified, and the Mirror option button will turn blue for the cards on both boards to clearly show users that this card has mirrors.
  3. If you click the Mirror option menu when it’s blue (already has mirrors), then the list of all cards currently being mirrored will show in the menu.
    mirrored cards on another board
  4. Once a card is mirrored, the Mirror icon will appear on any mirrored cards.
    mirrored card on board

Mirroring cards is a powerful feature that helps members collaborate on a card that is common to multiple boards (processes or teams). Learn more about this feature…

Mirrored Information

Mirrored information means that if you change any of the data on a mirrored card, all other cards that are mirrored will have this data synced. The following card information is mirrored:

  • ID Number
  • Title
  • Description
  • Blocked By and Blocked Reason
  • Planned Dates
  • Custom Fields
  • Size
  • Priority
  • Votes
  • Checklist with their Tasks
  • Comments
  • Attachments
  • Links

Some data is not mirrored and therefore remains unique to each mirrored card. The following card data is not mirrored:

  • Board and column where the card is currently on the board
  • Owner, Watchers, and Labels, as these are specific to each board
  • Tracking dates associated with a card movement on a board

Related Information:

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