Create a Checklist
Create a new Checklist
1. Open a card in the card editor by clicking a card.
2. Open the Tasks panel.
3. Click the Add Checklist button.

Once you see the Add Checklist screen, you will have three ways to add a checklist:
Option 1 – Add a blank checklist
1. Type a Title to provide a name to your checklist.
You will see that the new checklist has been added with no tasks. You can now proceed to add tasks to the checklist.
Option 2 – Load from a checklist template
1. Click the link that says Load from template.
2. Click an existing checklist template. If you don’t see any checklist template, then if you are a collaborator or administrator on this board, you will see a link that says Edit Checklist Templates. Clicking that link will let you manage Checklist Templates under the Board settings.
You will see that the new checklist has been added with the tasks included in that checklist template.

Option 3 – Copy from an existing checklist
1. Click the link that says Copy from existing
2. If you don’t see the checklist you want to use from the list of existing checklists, then search. Once you see the checklist you want to use again, click it.
You will see that the new checklist has been added with the tasks included in that existing checklist. Note that you can include (or not) owners, completion, and dates from the existing checklist.

View your card checklist and tasks
Once a card has checklists and tasks, and you are choosing to view task details, the card will show its task counts and completion of tasks throughout your Zones.

Delete a Checklist
A checklist can be deleted. Once deleted, the checklist and all its tasks will be deleted from the card. This action can not be undone. To delete a checklist and its tasks from a card, choose the … button on the right of the checklist you want to delete. From the action menu, choose ‘Delete Checklist’ and accept the confirmation.

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