
How to Implement Kanban in Manufacturing

By |February 21st, 2020|

We’ve already talked about Kanban many times, so I’m not going to explain what it is again. But if you need a refresher on the basics, feel free to read this Step by Step Guide to the Kanban system first. J Since Kanban originates in the production floors of the

8 Ways to Efficiently Manage Multiple Freelance Projects

By |February 16th, 2020|

As the demand for remote workers grows, many freelancers nowadays are beginning to understand the importance of managing multiple projects and priorities. If you are a freelancer who would like to make the most of your time and resources, you will want to grab as many work opportunities as

5 Kanban Board Examples for Manufacturing

By |February 7th, 2020|

If you’re not new to Kanban, you know how it originated from the automotive manufacturing industry in Japan. From its roots in the manufacturing industry, we know today has since evolved into full-blown process management and improvement technique. It’s no longer just used to manage parts and stock levels

Encourage Leadership at All Levels to Strengthen the Organization

By |January 30th, 2020|

We see organizations shifting from the traditional top-to-bottom leadership model to a more distributed leadership style. More popularly known as shared leadership, this leadership model advocates the need to encourage leadership at all levels in the organization for it to thrive. Gone are the days when one all-knowing leader