Kanban Card

What is a User Story and its Importance in Kanban

By |April 29th, 2021|

Many teams are using Kanban so they can visualize their tasks and manage their workflow better. They plan their work through Kanban cards on a board. These Kanban cards indicate the details of the task and the expectations that must be met to complete it. While there is no

How to Improve Your Team’s Workflow Design

By |March 16th, 2021|

Want to have an effective workflow design for your team? While there are a few different types of workflows to consider, it’s still important to see which one will work best for you and your team.  Ideally, a great team workflow should do the following: Keep everyone on track

5 Mistakes to Avoid in Virtual Meetings and Team Chats

By |February 4th, 2021|

Virtual meetings in team chat software have become more and more common in companies. However, without enough know-how on making your virtual meetings a success, you’ll risk making mistakes along the way – some of them unintentional on your part. Although preparedness won’t keep you from making any possible

How to Break Down Tasks into Smaller Ones

By |January 28th, 2021|

In one way or another, we have all been to a point when we have to accomplish a task that is so large, it’s overwhelming. It can be for work or something personal, but the fact is facing a huge task will need more than just working on it.

Manage Your Content Calendar More Effectively with Kanban

By |January 12th, 2021|

Any business who wants to thrive needs to invest in sharing information and content. Consumers look for brands they can relate with. They look for brands that care for the same advocacies they do. They want brands that display expertise and knowledge in their industries. Consumers search the Internet