Kanban: The Next-Level To Do List
We have all used to do lists at one point in our lives. I know I still do. Usually when I need to put together my grocery list and wrap my head around simple daily chores. It’s simple, effective, and definitely better than trying to remember everything. Right? Well,
Optimization of Resources: The Seven Wastes (Muda)
Lean manufacturing rests upon the idea that waste reduction can help you work more efficiently and be more profitable. Waste reduction is based on the notion that processes either add value or create waste to the production of a product or service. But waste can take many forms. It
5 Steps to Achieving Business Agility
The path to business agility doesn’t happen overnight. The right foundations need to be set. Gone are the days when projects would take two to five years to complete. Organizations that are still trapped in their traditional project execution approaches would highly likely close shop. New project management approaches
Kanban to Create Superior Sandwiches from Which Wich
I love Kanban and a good sandwich, so visiting Which Wich is always a delight on many levels. For the record I have no affiliation with Which Wich, I’m just a customer and fan! Visualize & Make the Process Explicit A great Kanban system starts with a well-defined process
Applying the 5S Methodology in Personal Kanban
Personal kanban is a great tool that individuals can leverage to manage tasks. When implemented correctly, it can be a productivity gamechanger. But as with any productivity method, it doesn’t work on its own. It is dependent on the consistency and discipline of the person that uses it. Starting
Definition of Done on the Kanban Board
So you have your Kanban board ready. You have separate columns for each process step. Broke down all tasks into smaller ones. Then placed tasks and ideas that are waiting their turn in the backlog. And distributed the ones that are active across corresponding columns. You even set reasonable