Operations Management

7 Small Business Survival Tips During the Pandemic

By |September 10th, 2020|

2020 has rocked everyone to their core. The pandemic has brought about massive economic disruption and left no one spared. While not all companies experience the same amount of damage, no one is immune to this pandemic, especially small businesses. The pandemic has left most small businesses hanging by

The Agile Law Firm: Achieving Success Using Kanban

By |August 26th, 2020|

In the past decade, Agile has been embraced by industries outside of software development and IT. Industries such as marketing, finance, construction, manufacturing, and even the legal industry are moving towards a more Agile approach. In this article, we dive deeper into how the law industry is moving towards

10 Things Every Remote Work Policy Should Have

By |July 13th, 2020|

Remote and hybrid work are now a key part of many organizations. However, as more and more companies embrace remote work as a new norm, it’s necessary to establish a sustainable remote work policy. Remote work policies help sustain a smooth transition from the traditional office setup to a

9 Tips for a Successful Virtual Event Planning

By |June 22nd, 2020|

Advancements in technology have enabled us to accomplish various tasks more efficiently and with less hassle. One of these advancements, the internet, has paved the way to so many possibilities for us, that now, we can use it for more than just an information resource. With the right tools

What is Inventory Kanban and How to Use It

By |June 9th, 2020|

The origins of Kanban dates back to the late 1940s when automobile manufacturing giant Toyota started the Toyota Production System (TPS). Toyota knew that for them to reach the top, they’d have to improve from within. The TPS was their way of organizing their end-to-end operations by optimizing human

Implementing Lean Principles: Lean Six Sigma for Law Firms

By |June 4th, 2020|

Times are changing even for age-old institutions such as the legal industry. In the past, law firms would charge clients in terms of billable hours. Clients were forced to pay based on this arrangement no matter what or how long it took to close the case. But today’s consumer-market