
What is Lean Agile Project Management?

By |April 21st, 2020|

Much is demanded of businesses in this modern world. Competition is tough. Consumer standards are high. And the market has never been as technology-driven as before. For businesses that want to thrive, they know that having a good product alone is insufficient. They need to look into how they

9 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance

By |April 7th, 2020|

Whether you work in the office or at home, it’s important that you also get to spend time with your family and loved ones doing non-work related stuff. Getting all of your work done is important, but so is maintaining a healthy work-life balance. But not everyone, especially workaholic

Swarming as a Kanban Team

By |March 31st, 2020|

To succeed in this modern world, quality, speed, and consistency are demanded from businesses. If a product is not consistently delivered on time and with quality, businesses could lose their piece of the pie. This is very true for technology companies where digital advancements come left and right and