How to Integrate Agile DMAIC with Kanban
In a global scenario as competitive as the current one, businesses constantly are looking at different ways to guarantee high quality processes and, at the same time, to meet customer requirements. Among the existing process improvement methodologies available so far, both pure and hybrid methodologies have gained considerable recognition,
How to Use Kanban for Onboarding New Employees
Finding qualified employees for your business can be a time-consuming and tasking process. It requires a lot of time, money, and patience. More importantly, once you find suitable candidates and hire them, it takes a certain amount of time to onboard them. According to a survey conducted at Harvard,
Take Control of Your Continuous Improvement with Kanban
In order to stay competitive in their segments of work, nowadays businesses and companies usually face extreme push towards constant innovations and high flexibility to adapt to the never-ending changes due to economic, social and technological challenges. With the aim of accomplishing these demanding requirements, it is crucial that
Leveling Up My Freelance Business with Kanban and Upwork
One of the things that I like about being a freelancer at Upwork is that I get to work with different clients. This exposes me to various industries, work styles, processes, and teams. It’s always a different experience but in each work engagement I enter, I investigate these three
Solve Virtual Workplace Challenges Using Kanban
Although the pandemic is almost over, most of us still find ourselves in remote work settings. Remote work is tricky, it gives us back the time we lose in commuting, but also robs us of our boundary between home and work. Not to mention, the hurdle of having to
Building the Ideal Work Relationship with Kanban and Upwork
After more than 10 years as an Agile coach, I saw great benefits in leveraging Kanban to flow work efficiently and get faster results. I tried many available online Kanban tools, but none could build complex boards while offering a simple experience focused on leveraging all the benefits of