
Adopting a Growth Mindset to Drive Business Success

By |December 24th, 2019|

How many times have you heard the motivational saying, “whether you think they can or can’t, you are right”. Apparently, there’s much truth in it. Because, we as humans, see failure either as an insurmountable obstacle or as an opportunity to try again, differently. Carol Dweck, now a renowned psychologist,

Help Your Team Adopt New Technology and Tools

By |December 12th, 2019|

In today’s fast-paced world, new technologies are introduced almost daily. A new gadget, a new app, or an innovative concept can be seen to permeate various markets and industries. Technology advancements not only affect consumers, but it also affects how organizations operate. The way we work evolves as much

Get the Team to Participate in Process Improvement

By |November 19th, 2019|

Introducing process improvement means introducing changes. And with changes comes resistance. It can be due to fear of the unknown, fear of failure or mistrust in the organizational leaders. The list goes on. But no matter the reason, opposing change is part of human nature. So people continue doing things