Using Kanban for Risk Management in Agile Projects
Risk is encountered in all kinds of projects. The severity of risks can vary from low to high and is characterized by its probability and impact. Traditional predictive project management approaches have risk management embedded in its process. This usually happens during the planning stages of the project when
Different Management Styles and When to Use Them
Throughout our lives, we encounter people who’ll lead and teach us the ways of the world. First, our parents then our teachers. And when the time comes to join the workforce, we’ll meet our bosses. Having worked in several companies, I’ve had several managers and they each had a
How Implementing Agile Project Management Can Benefit Healthcare
Now more than ever, innovative healthcare solutions are of utmost importance. With the ongoing spread of COVID-19 worldwide, healthcare professionals worldwide need to implement the most efficient methods of managing processes in healthcare facilities to better address the needs of patients. Be it in hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and laboratories, the
How Using Project Management Templates Can Benefit Your Team
Businesses look to project management to give them more efficient ways to work. But kickstarting a project can be tedious and time-consuming. Deciding what process to use, outlining the needed project information for you to start, then managing the project as it progresses. What if there’s a better and faster
Best Collaboration Tools for Remote Teams
The way we work is evolving. We are living in a time when technology empowers us to work from anywhere, any time. More companies are embracing remote work and tapping the global talent pool to strengthen their workforce. Remote work is no longer the future but is the norm.
How to Run Effective Remote Team Meetings
Remote work is fast becoming the norm. What once was only supported and enjoyed by a select few has now become a necessity for companies to thrive and survive. People want to work remotely. This perk may just be the one that sets companies apart and be the driving