Output vs Outcome: What You Need to Know
Have you ever thought about the implications of outputs and outcomes on your company and work processes within it? Many people use these two terms interchangeably, which is why we created this output vs outcome comparison that will break down these two terms and explain the difference between them
What is a Monte Carlo Simulation and How to Use it
Have you ever faced situations which demanded from you fast and reliable answers regarding, for example, the predicted date some tasks can be accomplished or even the forecasted quantity of tasks that should be finished until date X? If your answer is “yes”, then you probably could benefit from
What are Process Bottlenecks and How to Manage Them
All organizations aim to achieve a flawless process flow. This is one reason why we have so many project management trends and approaches available. It’s just a matter of choosing one that works for your team. But no matter how you manage your project, there might have been times
Implementing Lean Principles: Lean Six Sigma for Law Firms
Times are changing even for age-old institutions such as the legal industry. In the past, law firms would charge clients in terms of billable hours. Clients were forced to pay based on this arrangement no matter what or how long it took to close the case. But today’s consumer-market
5 Laws of Lean Six Sigma
The success of many businesses relies on a number of factors. It’s not just about having the right product or service. The speed of delivery, quality, and cost-efficiency are all important ingredients to any company’s success. This allows them to consistently produce the right product or service and satisfy
How To Implement Feedback Loops in Your Kanban System
The Kanban basics are rooted in six principles: visualizing work, limiting works in progress, focusing on flow, making processes clear, improving continuously, and implementing feedback loops. All of these principles, when implemented successfully, will make success a possibility for any organization. To make all of these possible, communication is