
How to Create a Kanban Board for Any Project

By |April 25th, 2019|

If you’ve scoured the internet for project management approaches and tools, we bet you’ve come across Kanban as one of the search results. Kanban is becoming more commonly used as a project management technique. That’s why it’s no surprise if you’re here to know how you can kickstart your

5 Lean Metrics You Should Track to Improve Your Flow

By |April 23rd, 2019|

Let’s say the average runner needs under an hour to run 6 miles. For most hobby runners improving their time is only for personal satisfaction. But for professionals, tracking their time and improving their result makes all the difference in the world. Cutting a few seconds off their laps

Kanban Roles for Successful Project Management

By |April 16th, 2019|

“Respect the current process, roles, responsibilities, and titles.” If you’ve been following along our blog for a while, you might have read this statement in some of our articles. This is one of the principles of Kanban project management. This principle explains how Kanban does not come with an

Avoid Common Project Management Mistakes by Using Kanban

By |April 9th, 2019|

Many factors are in play when it comes to managing projects. Resources, time, budget, scope, requirements, and stakeholder feedback are all project elements that managers and teams juggle on a daily basis. While teams and managers apply their best efforts to keep a project on track, mishaps do happen. The