What is Lean Agile Project Management?
Much is demanded of businesses in this modern world. Competition is tough. Consumer standards are high. And the market has never been as technology-driven as before. For businesses that want to thrive, they know that having a good product alone is insufficient. They need to look into how they
COVID-19 Pandemic Preparedness Plan in Kanban – World Health Organization
As this world pandemic hit our global community, we wanted to find a way to provide help. In times like this, it’s key to understand your specific strengths and focus on these to help others. In our case, we provide the ability to create online Kanban boards and
Why Your Kanban System Implementation Failed: Having a Kanban Board is NOT Enough
Kanban system implementation may seem easy. Some think that having a board with a bunch of cards is what all Kanban is about. But it’s much more than the columns, swimlanes, and cards that flow through a board. Making a successful kanban system implementation is another story. Kanban is a
Using Kanban to Keep Your Kids Focused While They are Required to Attend Classes Online
How does a Kanban Coach keep their kids focused when they are required to attend online classes? The Answer is: You build a Kanban board of course!! Online classes you say, no problem I say. And so a Kanban board was built. Using the power of Kanban, I immediately
Card Aging – A Fun and Helpful Visual Signal for Kanban
Kanban promotes visualizing work. This can be accomplished by having a Kanban board with explicit agreements, WIP limits, and cards with clear signals. Because Kanban is all about improving the flow of work, it’s great to see bottlenecks, but the ability to visualize card aging is both fun and
How to Stay Mentally Healthy When Working Remotely
Remote work used to be a buzzword. Now, it’s a reality for most professionals and we’ve reason to believe it’ll be the new normal. More companies will form global talent pools. More employees will demand flexible working arrangements. Technology will continue to advance and enable businesses to thrive digitally.