Use Agile Marketing to Grow Your Business
Every day, without you knowing it, you encounter a little piece of digital marketing in one way or another. You see it on your social media feed while watching a YouTube video while reading a blog, or even when you search on Google. Online marketing is a massive industry
Make the Most of Scrum with Kanban Classes of Service
As more Scrum Masters and project management professionals recognize the benefits of using Scrum with Kanban, more of its core concepts, principles, and practices are being embraced and applied. More Scrum teams appreciate how Kanban metrics such as WIP limits, cycle times, and WIP Age help them be attuned
Is Kanban Agile?
As an Agile practitioner, I get this question a lot. Everyone has heard of SCRUM and often interchange the words Agile and SCRUM. They are in fact, different things. Back To Basics Agile is a way of thinking, a way you go about your everyday work and is based
Is Big Data the Key to Unlocking Business Productivity?
Businesses are starting to realize the massive potential that comes with data and analytics in driving productivity. A recent study from Dresner Advisory Services found that Big Data adoption has reached 59% across industries. The study also reports that 54% of vendors agree that big data has now become
How Scrum Masters Are Using Kanban to Improve Scrum
If you’re a seasoned Scrum practitioner, you’ve most likely witnessed horrific implementations of Scrum throughout your consulting career. Some organizations go gung-ho on “doing Scrum.” All their messages, training programs, and campaigns scream Agile. But when you look closely, they seem to be putting on a show or what
Scrum Sprint Planning with Kanban
Scrum Sprint Planning with Kanban During Sprint Planning, Scrum teams play fortune-tellers and try their best to predict how much work they can commit to. Most of the time, this is a difficult feat to pull. The usual approach of teams would be to take their average velocity and