Why You Should Adopt Agile Now More Than Ever
A time of crisis is a time of turbulence, constant changes, and continuous adaptation. And during this time, we can learn a lot from the Agile methodology to get through and survive a crisis. When quick decisions are demanded left and right, companies need to stay nimble but grounded
7 Tips to Successfully Launch Your Startup in COVID-19
The pandemic isn’t dampening the entrepreneurial spirit of aspiring startup founders. Many are taking a leap of faith and joining the long list of startup founders. But launching a startup is no easy feat. Moreover, the health and economic crisis we are in is only making things more difficult.
Six Sigma and Agile: Can They Work Together?
More companies are using approaches such as Six Sigma and Agile in their business. And there’s no surprise there. We have seen technology take the spotlight in the past decade. We use technology in our everyday lives whether it be at home or work. Whatever the task, people would
What is Lean Agile Project Management?
Much is demanded of businesses in this modern world. Competition is tough. Consumer standards are high. And the market has never been as technology-driven as before. For businesses that want to thrive, they know that having a good product alone is insufficient. They need to look into how they
Swarming as a Kanban Team
To succeed in this modern world, quality, speed, and consistency are demanded from businesses. If a product is not consistently delivered on time and with quality, businesses could lose their piece of the pie. This is very true for technology companies where digital advancements come left and right and
5 Benefits of Imposing a Remote Work Policy During COVID-19 – Kanban Zone
Even before the coronavirus outbreak, many businesses have already been implementing a remote work setup. In fact, in the past decade, remote work has grown by 115%. And given the current situation, which calls for people to have less contact with the public for health and safety reasons, working