Lean Thinking

Scrum Sprint Planning with Kanban

By |September 25th, 2019|

Scrum Sprint Planning with Kanban During Sprint Planning, Scrum teams play fortune-tellers and try their best to predict how much work they can commit to. Most of the time, this is a difficult feat to pull. The usual approach of teams would be to take their average velocity and

Identifying Muri: Is your Team Overburdened with Work?

By |August 28th, 2019|

We all know that employees are the greatest asset of any organization. Yet there are companies where employees seem to be disengaged, unhappy, and unproductive. Being a key factor in business success, it’s important that organization leaders take a look at their employees’ work experience. One of the key

Unlock Your Creative Genius with Kanban

By |July 31st, 2019|

Many people believe that creativity is a gift. Some people just have it or are better at it than others. At Kanban Zone, we believe that everyone has the potential to be creative, that creativity can be harnessed and developed. And you don’t have to be artistic to be