7 Tips to Successfully Launch Your Startup in COVID-19
The pandemic isn’t dampening the entrepreneurial spirit of aspiring startup founders. Many are taking a leap of faith and joining the long list of startup founders. But launching a startup is no easy feat. Moreover, the health and economic crisis we are in is only making things more difficult.
8 Ways You Can Use Kanban to Organize Your Life
Maintaining organization in your life is a huge challenge. In one way or another, there will always be something in need of order. If you are finding it hard to keep everything in your life less chaotic and more organized, then it’s about time that you apply a system
7 Tips for Finding Time for Your Side Hustle
More people have realized the benefits of keeping a side hustle in recent years. A 2019 survey from Bankrate estimates around 45% of Americans have a side hustle, majority of which are millennials. It’s no surprise that millennials comprise the majority of side hustlers. They experienced the Great Recession
Visualizing Your OKR Success with Kanban
How do you measure your team’s success? Every organization across all industries is in a constant pursuit of success. All business owners, whether it’s for a small business or a big conglomerate, want nothing more than just to see their fruits of labor after a long day, week, month
5 Tips to Starting a Business in COVID-19
The pandemic has exposed a lot of vulnerabilities in our society and the economy has taken a hit. Starting a business during this time can seem like a bad idea when you see other businesses closing left and right. But a crisis can be a breeding ground for innovation.
Getting Stuff Done through Productive Procrastination and Kanban
Was there ever a time in your life when you knew you have a lot of things waiting for you to get done, and yet you are not ready to work on them? You instead work on other things that are not as urgent or as important, like wiping