
Why You Should Adopt Agile Now More Than Ever

By |October 28th, 2020|

A time of crisis is a time of turbulence, constant changes, and continuous adaptation. And during this time, we can learn a lot from the Agile methodology to get through and survive a crisis. When quick decisions are demanded left and right, companies need to stay nimble but grounded

7 Reasons Why Effective Team Meetings are Important

By |October 20th, 2020|

Meetings are part and parcel of every organization. It’s a way for employees to gather, exchange ideas, share feedback, and learn from each other. But team meetings also get a bad rep. Not everyone comes ecstatic to a meeting. Most of the time employees even dread the thought of

15 Must-Have Productivity Tools for Your Remote Team

By |October 16th, 2020|

2020 has forced the entire globe to work remotely. It has also made everyone realize that remote work actually works. But remote work is not all rainbows and unicorns. It’s a challenging feat to pull off. Managing a distributed team can be difficult to wrap your head around. But

How to Simplify Your Writing Workflow with Kanban

By |October 8th, 2020|

It can be quite difficult to find the mental power to write at peak productivity regardless of your experience. While you can use notepads and rudimentary goal-setting methodologies to make yourself more productive, these are short-term solutions. Sooner or later, you will fall back into procrastination and your writing