Kanban Card

How to Simplify Your Writing Workflow with Kanban

By |October 8th, 2020|

It can be quite difficult to find the mental power to write at peak productivity regardless of your experience. While you can use notepads and rudimentary goal-setting methodologies to make yourself more productive, these are short-term solutions. Sooner or later, you will fall back into procrastination and your writing

6 Tips for Improving Project Visibility and Control

By |August 23rd, 2020|

How do you set your team up for success? Project management is a huge undertaking and will require a lot of your time, effort and dedication. It’s important to provide your team with everything that they need to be able to accomplish your goal. Apart from your guidance and

To Commit or Not to Commit: A Tale of Commitment Points in Kanban

By |August 20th, 2020|

In knowledge-based work such as software development, the act of committing to work can be daunting. Teams will likely encounter changing requirements or priorities when working on complex and fast-changing projects such as software development. How can you become more confident when committing to delivering work in uncertain situations?