
Implementing Lean Principles: Lean Six Sigma for Law Firms

By |June 4th, 2020|

Times are changing even for age-old institutions such as the legal industry. In the past, law firms would charge clients in terms of billable hours. Clients were forced to pay based on this arrangement no matter what or how long it took to close the case. But today’s consumer-market

How to use KPIs for Business Improvement

By |May 12th, 2020|

Managing and improving the performance of any business can be tricky, especially if you haven’t yet figured out what you want your team to achieve. With so many factors to consider when it comes to running a business, it’s important that you establish goals and metrics to understand how

Using Kanban for Risk Management in Agile Projects

By |May 7th, 2020|

Risk is encountered in all kinds of projects. The severity of risks can vary from low to high and is characterized by its probability and impact. Traditional predictive project management approaches have risk management embedded in its process. This usually happens during the planning stages of the project when

What is Lean Agile Project Management?

By |April 21st, 2020|

Much is demanded of businesses in this modern world. Competition is tough. Consumer standards are high. And the market has never been as technology-driven as before. For businesses that want to thrive, they know that having a good product alone is insufficient. They need to look into how they

How Implementing Agile Project Management Can Benefit Healthcare

By |April 1st, 2020|

Now more than ever, innovative healthcare solutions are of utmost importance. With the ongoing spread of COVID-19 worldwide, healthcare professionals worldwide need to implement the most efficient methods of managing processes in healthcare facilities to better address the needs of patients. Be it in hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and laboratories, the