
Is Kanban Agile?

By |October 24th, 2019|

As an Agile practitioner, I get this question a lot. Everyone has heard of SCRUM and often interchange the words Agile and SCRUM. They are in fact, different things. Back To Basics Agile is a way of thinking, a way you go about your everyday work and is based

How Kanban is Reshaping the Future of Project Management

By |October 16th, 2019|

Businesses evolve at a rapid pace. To respond to market challenges and expectations, organizations need to keep up with the changing trends in technology, market behavior, and work culture. These changes don’t only affect how businesses innovate, but they also affect how companies operate. Time and again, we see

Kanban for Coaching

By |September 24th, 2019|

As a coach, my role is to help people who seek services to create actionable goals and/or tasks that have been agreed by both coach and coachee. In this collaborative relationship, having clarity and accountability is key to ensure that real noticeable progress is being made. Both coach and

Working During Vacation: How to Deal with Holiday Guilt

By |August 20th, 2019|

Are you one of those people that are working during vacation? Or do you belong to the forty percent of Americans that don’t use their paid vacation time? And why? Well, research shows that those people are afraid of getting their worked piled up, or worse, being replaced while they