remote teams

How Kanban Fosters Virtual Collaboration in Content Teams

By |November 17th, 2022|

Team collaboration is important when your creative output is connected to marketing. Creating content involves art, science, and strategy, and they’re all equally important, all of which can benefit from various kinds of collaboration. However, virtual collaboration can be challenging since not everyone can effectively explain their ideas. Not

5 Mistakes to Avoid in Virtual Meetings and Team Chats

By |February 4th, 2021|

Virtual meetings in team chat software have become more and more common in companies. However, without enough know-how on making your virtual meetings a success, you’ll risk making mistakes along the way – some of them unintentional on your part. Although preparedness won’t keep you from making any possible

6 Productivity Tips for Working Remotely While Traveling

By |May 21st, 2020|

When you’re given the opportunity to bring your work anywhere and travel the world, will you take it? Location independence and digital nomadism are attracting professionals worldwide. The allure of being able to see the world and still make a living is enticing. We see more professionals packing their

Swarming as a Kanban Team

By |March 31st, 2020|

To succeed in this modern world, quality, speed, and consistency are demanded from businesses. If a product is not consistently delivered on time and with quality, businesses could lose their piece of the pie. This is very true for technology companies where digital advancements come left and right and