
The Toyota 3M Model: Identifying Wastes in Your Processes

By |May 12th, 2021|

The Toyota 3M model is an age-old concept that remains relevant to this day. Many manufacturing concepts and strategies are influenced by the Toyota 3M Model. It has helped reframe the mindset of business leaders on how they manage and eliminate wastes in their processes. Companies often look at

Identifying Muri: Is your Team Overburdened with Work?

By |August 28th, 2019|

We all know that employees are the greatest asset of any organization. Yet there are companies where employees seem to be disengaged, unhappy, and unproductive. Being a key factor in business success, it’s important that organization leaders take a look at their employees’ work experience. One of the key

Doing Being and Flowing in Kanban (5P and 3M)

By |August 1st, 2017|

Kanban is such a simple and effective approach to improving any process. As more individuals, teams, and organizations adopt Kanban to increase value to customers, reduce cost and increase innovation, it’s critical to grasp the few core elements of Kanban. To get the full benefit of Kanban, practitioners must