continuous improvement

Make the Most of Scrum with Kanban Classes of Service

By |November 12th, 2019|

As more Scrum Masters and project management professionals recognize the benefits of using Scrum with Kanban, more of its core concepts, principles, and practices are being embraced and applied. More Scrum teams appreciate how Kanban metrics such as WIP limits, cycle times, and WIP Age help them be attuned

How To Balance Productivity and Creativity

By |November 6th, 2019|

There is a big difference between productivity and creativity. That’s a fact. But these two supposedly opposing forces that are constantly fighting for your time are actually two sides of the same coin. And if the work environment is established in such a way, one can fuel the other,

Is Kanban Agile?

By |October 24th, 2019|

As an Agile practitioner, I get this question a lot. Everyone has heard of SCRUM and often interchange the words Agile and SCRUM. They are in fact, different things. Back To Basics Agile is a way of thinking, a way you go about your everyday work and is based

Identifying Muri: Is your Team Overburdened with Work?

By |August 28th, 2019|

We all know that employees are the greatest asset of any organization. Yet there are companies where employees seem to be disengaged, unhappy, and unproductive. Being a key factor in business success, it’s important that organization leaders take a look at their employees’ work experience. One of the key