Improve Your Productivity with the 4 Fs of Flow
Do you remember the last time that you got so focused on a task that you've already lost track of time? Maybe it was something that you enjoyed doing or was very eager to complete that you didn't notice that hours have already gone by while you were on
Takt Time: What is it and Why is it Important?
In business, we consider time as a very important commodity. To improve your productivity, optimizing the use of your time is essential. When it comes to understanding your team’s capacity to deliver products continuously, you need to know how to measure the amount of time spent on creating each
The Formula to Finding Purpose: How to Find Your Ikigai
In our everyday life, we have constantly strived to find the perfect balance of happiness, purpose and success. While some might have easily found that balance, others are still working on it. On times when you have done some self introspection, have you ever wondered where your life is
How to Implement Hansei to Encourage Self Improvement
Ever since we were young, we have always been taught that self improvement is essential. We need it to grow, mature, survive and thrive. We are naturally improving in one way or another. But if we want to align our path to self improvement towards our personal and professional
How to Break Down Tasks into Smaller Ones
In one way or another, we have all been to a point when we have to accomplish a task that is so large, it’s overwhelming. It can be for work or something personal, but the fact is facing a huge task will need more than just working on it.
8 Ways to Improve Your Focus and Productivity at Work
Let’s face it. There will always be days when we just can’t be as productive as we might have to be. There will be days when we don’t know how to stay focused on accomplishing tasks, and it’s okay. But when it comes to work, you will need to