kanban board

Is Trello a Kanban Tool?

By |July 9th, 2019|

When searching Kanban tools or alternative, you must have come across Trello. Trello, in its core, is a visual collaboration tool that utilizes the concept of boards. It’s a simple and effective tool to manage and organize tasks. Trello is aimed at teams as a tool for organizing tasks

Embrace Minimalism in the Workplace with Kanban

By |July 2nd, 2019|

We, as humans, have the desire to know more, do more and experience as many things as possible. But research has shown that embracing minimalism in the workplace actually makes us more productive. Our standard practice of trying to get our hands on as many things as possible at

Debunking The Most Common Kanban Misconceptions

By |June 25th, 2019|

When talking to my friends about Kanban I noticed that many of them have never heard about it. And those that did, were confused and didn’t quite understand the methodology. But it’s not (entirely) their fault. There are so many half-truths and misinformation about Kanban on the Internet that

Why Use a Kanban Board?

By |June 19th, 2019|

If you were to ask me “Why use a Kanban board?”, I want you to read a short story before answering. The Problems of Modern Dispersed Teams Several years ago, I worked in an international company that has offices in over 60 countries... And like most big corporations, they

Kanban: The Next-Level To Do List

By |June 11th, 2019|

We have all used to do lists at one point in our lives. I know I still do. Usually when I need to put together my grocery list and wrap my head around simple daily chores. It’s simple, effective, and definitely better than trying to remember everything. Right? Well,