
How Kanban Optimizes Resource Utilization and Waste Reduction

By |February 8th, 2024|

Every business, whether a nimble startup or a sprawling corporate giant, has its set of metaphorical cogs and wheels that keep it chugging along. But, these systems are not immune to hitches. At times, inefficiencies act as the proverbial wrench in the gears, gumming up processes, wasting precious resources,

Take Control of Your Continuous Improvement with Kanban

By |March 7th, 2023|

In order to stay competitive in their segments of work, nowadays businesses and companies usually face extreme push towards constant innovations and high flexibility to adapt to the never-ending changes due to economic, social and technological challenges. With the aim of accomplishing these demanding requirements, it is crucial that

Takt Time: What is it and Why is it Important?

By |April 27th, 2021|

In business, we consider time as a very important commodity. To improve your productivity, optimizing the use of your time is essential. When it comes to understanding your team’s capacity to deliver products continuously, you need to know how to measure the amount of time spent on creating each