Prioritize selfcare first! As a leader, team member, spouse, and human, If you don’t know how to fill your own cup first – you’ll never be successful in pouring into someone else’s cup! It’s impossible to pour from an empty cup!
Prioritize selfcare first – so that, you can pour into those in your care.

Prioritize selfcare first! As a leader, team member, spouse, and human, If you don’t know how to fill your own cup first – you’ll never be successful in pouring into someone else’s cup! It’s impossible to pour from an empty cup!
Prioritize selfcare first – so that, you can pour into those in your care.


Use the template for self-care shown above to brainstorm and capture your thoughts and make them actionable.
Start with your desired outcome, define your why and what, and solve for the how.
Predictable Outcome Model:
First – Start with your OUTCOME (desired experience/end goal)
Next – Define your WHY (Motive/Cause)
Next – Define your WHAT (the problem to solve)
Lastly – Solve the HOW (the solution to the problem)
Yes, it’s just that simple!
Meet the Expert

“Selfcare is a trinity of Fitness, Nutrition, and Mindfulness. Selfcare is not an instant one-time act – it’s a consistent and daily lifestyle choice! Invest in your selfcare every day – your future you will thank you!”
Coach Nelson is the Founder & CEO of Simply Agile Inc. A U.S. Air Force veteran and Creator of the Predictable Outcome Model & Blueprint.
Now, you may be thinking… Coach Nelson, all that sounds amazing and exciting! But does it really work? ABSOLUTELY – Yes, it works! I have applied it personally, and you can see the results proof in my photos above.
Yes, as of December 2022, I have successfully completed 102 weeks of 7 out of 7 days a week of physical exercise daily – That’s 707+ consecutive days – I have not missed a day yet!
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