
Time-Wasters That Kill Our Productivity

By |September 12th, 2019|

We all want to be productive and make better use of our time, focused. And yet, there would be days when it seems we can’t finish any of our tasks and they just pile on. We often hear people say, “I don’t have enough time to get this done.”

How to Deal with Lack of Focus

By |September 10th, 2019|

“Where did my time go?” This was me when I sat down to finish writing a blog article but ended up working on something else. This was also me when I realized I’d been mindlessly watching YouTube videos when I had planned to do actual work. My lack of

Working During Vacation: How to Deal with Holiday Guilt

By |August 20th, 2019|

Are you one of those people that are working during vacation? Or do you belong to the forty percent of Americans that don’t use their paid vacation time? And why? Well, research shows that those people are afraid of getting their worked piled up, or worse, being replaced while they