
How to Use Kanban Swimlanes to Improve Task Organization

By |November 5th, 2019|

Kanban swimlanes are an integral part of any Kanban board. That is if you want to make the most of it. Because even though a Kanban board with multiple columns can still help you organize your work and streamline your work, adding swimlanes will boost your process management even

What is the DevOps CALMS Model?

By |October 31st, 2019|

The CALMS Model is an acronym often used to describe the mindset when undertaking DevOps. Let's explore. Culture - Automation - Lean - Measurement - Sharing Culture It is all about those pesky Humans! Culture is a choice made by the people within an organization. In order to influence

Agile Mindset – Product Focus vs Project Focus

By |October 15th, 2019|

What makes an agile approach to completing a project different than a traditional approach to completing a project? Both have the same end goal. Both want a successful project on time and within budget and happy customers. Agile Mindset: Focus on Product Decisions, Not on Project Decisions An Agile

Scrum Sprint Planning with Kanban

By |September 25th, 2019|

Scrum Sprint Planning with Kanban During Sprint Planning, Scrum teams play fortune-tellers and try their best to predict how much work they can commit to. Most of the time, this is a difficult feat to pull. The usual approach of teams would be to take their average velocity and

How Gamification in the Workplace can Influence Productivity

By |September 19th, 2019|

Workplace productivity is achieved when employees enjoy the work that they do. When employees are happy, they tend to perform better and stay in the company longer. Their attitude towards work manifests in their output and how they deal with customers. All in all, this is good for business.