Kanban Zone was designed to create any board you can imagine!

Kanban Board Physical Team Board Kanban Zone Image

What makes our boards more flexible?

You have tried other tools and none can reproduce the board that you really need? We have great news for you…

We don’t use a grid. Most other online boards use a grid, which means that you can enter a full row or column on your board, but your board will always be a perfect grid. What if your board is not a grid? Well, Kanban Zone was built with the intent to build absolutely any board you can imagine.

As you can see below from actual physical Kanban boards, most boards are not perfect grids…

Kanban boards should be designed and improved over time to continue to provide the ideal way you need to flow your cards. When moving from a physical board to an electronic board, you should be able to recreate your board the way you need it, not the way the tool limits you to build your board by forcing you to use a grid.

Although you can create a board that looks like a grid in Kanban Zone, you can also create the board that you actually need with our flexible board editor, that leverages containers

Card containers
columns that can hold cards

Horizontal containers
columns that can nest multiple card containers shown horizontally

Vertical containers
columns that can nest multiple card containers shown vertically

You will also enjoy the drag & drop interface to move your containers with ease on the board and within other containers. The are no limits with building complex boards with Kanban Zone, just watch the video below to see it in action!

Start with a template…

Browse our always-growing list of board templates to see more examples of complex boards. All boards in Kanban Zone start from a template. You can choose the blank board template to start from scratch, one of our Kanban templates to get a quick start, or leverage one of our themed templates. Once your board is created in Kanban Zone, you can use the board editor to design the exact board to suit your needs.

If you need our help, don’t hesitate to engage our Kanban coaches or customer support; we will gladly help you build your board. Once your board is set up in Kanban Zone, you will love all the other features that increase your focus and improve efficiency.

Are you ready to build the board of your dreams or at least the one you need?

Kanban Team
Kanban Team

Already Using a Collaboration Solution?

Seamlessly migrate your data to Kanban Zone. Our team of experts will ensure a smooth transition and assist you every step of the way. We can assess your current setup, design your ideal system and help you migrate your work.

See for yourself why it’s worth the switch.

Already Using a Collaboration Solution?

Kanban Team

You can seamlessly migrate all of your data to Kanban Zone.

See for yourself why it’s worth the switch.

Unleash the power of visual management!

Boost traceability, and collaboration across all organizational levels with Kanban Zone!

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Unleash the Power of Lean Visual Management!

Boost traceability, and collaboration across all organizational levels with Kanban Zone!

No credit card | No contract | No risk