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Step by step exercise for creating a Kanban board

Build an effective Kanban board... There are many ways to create a Kanban board online. For example, you could use the value stream mapping technique by leveraging the mapped activities in your value stream as columns for your board. Over the years, we have refined our approach, and it's now a simple 5 step exercise. The key is to let the team associated with the process follow this exercise. Also, they build their board to keep improving over time. You can also leverage our coaching

2024-07-26T05:39:23-07:00September 3rd, 2018|

Continuous Improvement

Kanban: Continuous Improvement To maintain a competitive advantage, businesses must seek to continuously improve and possibly reinvent their processes. Process Improvement is a proactive and systematic approach to streamlining business processes to improve the quality of outputs, lessen costs, and simplify the work. Your business processes are not meant to be fixed. There will be inevitable changes to the way you do your work. These can be due to the presence of inefficiencies or defects, the advent of new technologies, changing market demands, new

2024-07-26T05:29:39-07:00August 31st, 2018|

Kanban WIP Limits

Kanban: Limit Work in Progress (WiP) Have you ever had to accomplish multiple tasks and decided to chip bits and pieces from each one, hoping to complete them all simultaneously? Did you feel like you were not accomplishing anything with this approach? Did it feel like it was taking you longer to complete the tasks? How about that time when you were in the middle of working on a task, and your boss told you, “We have an urgent task you need to work on”?

2024-07-26T04:52:30-07:00August 13th, 2018|


Resources Our team of Kanban coaches and experts are always adding more resources to support our clients' needs for continuous improvement. Our goal is to help anyone and everyone to learn about Kanban, Lean Thinking and Agile through our library of articles and books. Check out the resources below to explore key Kanban and Lean Thinking concepts. Resources Our team of Kanban coaches and experts are always adding more resources to support our clients' needs for

2024-05-27T06:36:16-07:00July 26th, 2018|

Doing Being and Flowing in Kanban (5P and 3M)

Kanban is such a simple and effective approach to improving any process. As more individuals, teams, and organizations adopt Kanban to increase value to customers, reduce cost and increase innovation, it’s critical to grasp the few core elements of Kanban. To get the full benefit of Kanban, practitioners must achieve mastery of both their process and the mindset of Kanban. The latter is possible by embracing the 5 properties in Kanban (5P) and the conscious effort to manage wasteful behaviors with Muda, Mura and Muri

2022-12-06T16:20:37-07:00August 1st, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , |

Coaching (Agile, Kanban & Lean)

Our coaching services are designed to assess your needs and provide a clear plan of action. We obviously track all of our coaching on a Kanban board that visualizes all of the coaching engagement’s key deliverables. Our customers are the ones who flow the coaching deliverables to the “Done” column based on clear acceptance criteria. Start with scheduling an initial coaching call to let us know exactly what you are seeking to improve. This call will give you a great idea about what to

2023-11-24T12:55:25-07:00February 14th, 2017|

Muda, Mura, Muri

Stemming from the Toyota Production System, the 3M model - Muda, Mura, Muri - exposes the culprits to inefficient processes that plague business operations. But why do we need to tackle all three of them?The goal of Lean is to deliver increased value to the customer by eliminating wasteful processes. When one talks about waste in this sense, often they refer to the seven wastes in manufacturing or Muda from the 3M model. Mura and Muri are often excluded from the picture but knowing these two

2023-01-15T15:48:57-07:00January 18th, 2016|

Lean Thinking

Lean Thinking What is Lean Thinking? Lean Thinking is a business methodology based on the history of Japanese manufacturing techniques which have been applied worldwide within many types of industries. It is ultimately a mindset - a way of viewing the world - that aims to handle work in a Lean manner. Lean puts focus on providing high levels of customer value by continuously improving business processes. The Lean Thinking concept is more than just using tools or changing a few steps in

2024-07-26T05:53:35-07:00January 17th, 2016|

What is Kanban

What is Kanban Every organization or team should aim for process efficiency as this enables teams to achieve higher levels of productivity and better quality products and services. While there are a lot of techniques and methodologies out there that teams can explore and use for their improvement initiatives, here is one method that is gaining traction within a number of industries today because of its straightforward approach to process improvement. Kanban is a simple method to visualize work and as a result, better manage

2024-07-16T07:50:08-07:00January 17th, 2016|


eBooks Free eBooks to help you get started with the Kanban method and help you on your journey of continuous improvement. Personal Kanban Written by Tonianne DeMaria, the co-author of the Award-winning book Personal Kanban: Mapping Work | Navigating Life, to provide an updated summary in collaboration with Kanban Zone. Download Now Portfolio Kanban Written by our team of experts at Kanban Zone, with a focus on Flight Levels from

2024-07-26T04:42:37-07:00November 8th, 2023|

Everything You Need to Know About Kanban Software

Introduction to Kanban Software The importance of effective visual management is growing with every passing year. In today’s fast-paced business world, it enables organizations operating in various industries to improve every aspect of their operations. Some benefits of applying visual management include more effective work prioritization, better communication and collaboration within the organization, complete process visibility, and more. Over the past decade, Kanban has become the dominant method for applying visual management. Even organizations that don’t apply Kanban by the book use its most popular

2024-03-27T23:25:32-07:00October 9th, 2023|

Creating a Culture of Shared Leadership: Tips for Leaders and Managers

In the context of Lean management, shared leadership has been finding increased application in many different business segments over the years. Whether you are a leader, manager or even willing to become one, learning about shared leadership can be valuable. In this article, we explain what a shared leadership model is, some of its main characteristics, the benefits of using shared leadership and some tips for leaders and managers to create a culture of shared leadership. The Shared Leadership Model Shared leadership is a management

2024-04-21T20:43:28-07:00July 10th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Lean Six Sigma Principles

Lean Six Sigma is a fusion of two of the best management techniques - the Lean method and Six Sigma. Applying Lean Six Sigma allows businesses to improve overall efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction. This is achieved by eliminating waste, reducing variation, decreasing defects, and removing non-value adding activities in the process. It allows better quality products and services and faster delivery. But Lean Six Sigma is not a plug-and-play method. More than the process involved, it requires a paradigm shift in business operations. It needs

2020-06-18T12:44:33-07:00June 18th, 2020|

How to Successfully Manage Process Variations

In today’s highly globalized economy, technology allows businesses to transact with consumers outside their geographical boundaries. Companies set up offices offshore to cater to their global clientele and top regional talent. The world is more connected than ever before that even small businesses can hit it big in the global scene. While these advancements due to eCommerce and globalization are great, they come with challenges. Operating on a global scale also opens businesses to a bunch of process variations. Companies can be subjected to regional

2024-04-13T23:44:11-07:00November 26th, 2019|Tags: , , |

What is the DevOps CALMS Model?

The CALMS Model is an acronym often used to describe the mindset when undertaking DevOps. Let's explore. Culture - Automation - Lean - Measurement - Sharing Culture It is all about those pesky Humans! Culture is a choice made by the people within an organization. In order to influence culture, people need a common goal to aim for. Once a common goal has been established, people need to be willing to step outside their comfort areas. It requires a willingness to learn and experiment. It

2023-12-05T07:14:39-07:00October 31st, 2019|Tags: , , |

Is Kanban Agile?

As an Agile practitioner, I get this question a lot. Everyone has heard of SCRUM and often interchange the words Agile and SCRUM. They are in fact, different things. Back To Basics Agile is a way of thinking, a way you go about your everyday work and is based on the Agile Manifesto. You do not DO Agile, you BECOME Agile. This is a very significant difference and helps set the right mindset. Becoming Agile is a mindset shift. The Agile Manifesto consists of 4

The Positive Influence of Slack Time

Slack time is a term loved by many, dreaded by others. Usually, the ‘others’ are project managers who ‘don’t want anyone sitting idle’. And of course, we can't plan slack time because we don’t know exactly when it’s going to happen. But it happens when our flow becomes unbalanced, which sometimes means all the time. But how can something like this have a positive influence on the overall process flow? Are we actually losing value during this time or creating value? Well, that depends on

2024-05-16T17:20:23-07:00October 23rd, 2019|

Debunking The Most Common Kanban Misconceptions

When talking to my friends about Kanban I noticed that many of them have never heard about it. And those that did, were confused and didn’t quite understand the methodology. But it’s not (entirely) their fault. There are so many half-truths and misinformation about Kanban on the Internet that people with little or no knowledge on the subject can’t discern what to believe in. That’s why I would like to help clear some of the confusion surrounding Kanban and debunk some of the most common

2024-04-17T01:27:06-07:00June 25th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |

Why an Agile Coaches Built a Kanban Tool

Building a new tool was never our goal because who needs another tool? The problem was simple: our clients needed a simple tool that could infuse all the benefits of Kanban. To our surprise, the solution was not obvious because a Kanban tool is much more than a visual task board. The journey to create Kanban Zone started in the early days of Agile, and the focus has always remained around human collaboration and continuous improvement… Becoming Agile coaches... In 2006, during a large Agile transformation of

What is Lean Management?

Introduction to Lean Many companies we see today have been around for quite some time. Five and ten or more years ago, when the companies were founded, they implemented a project management system. It worked for them then, and generally, still works now. So they keep working the same way for years, and decades, without change simply because that’s the way they do things. And because they are following the “don’t fix it, if it ain’t broken” principle. The problem with this approach is that