Product Management

How Design Thinking Can Promote Workplace Innovation

By |March 21st, 2024|

Design thinking is more than just a couple of buzzwords—it's a unique approach to work that involves taking stock of the end user's needs and using methods such as Kanban to serve these needs as efficiently as possible. This is why design thinking is deemed one of the cornerstones

Kanban for Lawyers: Increasing Profitability through Efficiency

By |February 22nd, 2024|

Is your legal firm struggling with balancing staffing levels against revenue generation? Embracing techniques from modern business to optimize workflows and drive efficiency are not just beneficial; they've become essential in today's fast-paced environment. We talked with John E. Grant, the Agile Attorney and Kanban Zone’s trusted partner

Beginner’s Guide to Lean Product Management

By |February 22nd, 2024|

Lean product management helps ensure effective management of product development. It focuses on the entire lifecycle of your product, which can improve how your business operates. This article delves into what lean product management is, how to apply it, and what benefits it may bring to your business and

7 Effective Management Strategies for Small Businesses

By |January 22nd, 2024|

Creating and implementing successful business management strategies is crucial for sustainable growth as a small business owner. Managing your own business involves various aspects, including handling finances, paying taxes, writing contracts, staying organized, and delivering quality work. If you feel that a specific area of management is lacking in

Optimizing Workflow Efficiency with Software Testing Techniques

By |January 17th, 2024|

Embarking on the software development journey is like navigating a constantly evolving landscape. Success in this dynamic industry hinges not only on innovation but also on the efficiency of your workflow.  Today, we’ll explore the intricate world of every software testing services company and how their strategic implementation can