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How Scrum Masters Are Using Kanban to Improve Scrum

By |October 9th, 2019|

If you’re a seasoned Scrum practitioner, you’ve most likely witnessed horrific implementations of Scrum throughout your consulting career. Some organizations go gung-ho on “doing Scrum.” All their messages, training programs, and campaigns scream Agile. But when you look closely, they seem to be putting on a show or what

Kanban for Coaching

By |September 24th, 2019|

As a coach, my role is to help people who seek services to create actionable goals and/or tasks that have been agreed by both coach and coachee. In this collaborative relationship, having clarity and accountability is key to ensure that real noticeable progress is being made. Both coach and

How to Ease Stress at Work? Try Using Kanban

By |July 24th, 2019|

‘How to ease stress at work?’ A very common question. Yet, overcoming work stress is often another nerve-racking problem for many people. Even though you can’t completely eliminate stress, you can learn how to manage it make things easier for yourself and the people around you. Tips for

Kanban for Improved Office Productivity

By |March 11th, 2019|

It’s hard to keep focused these days what with all the things that are battling for our attention. It’s a challenge to be productive, especially in the office. Just imagine what happens daily at work. Endless meetings and your trip to the pantry for a water refill suddenly becomes

What is Kanban – A Quick Guide

By |March 5th, 2019|

We are all in search of the perfect productivity system. Good time management, task organization, and careful planning are key to achieving success and reaching our goals. While a perfect system does not exist, there is one particularly simple, yet very helpful and effective methodology which users can utilize