
The Perfection Myth Busted: Why Aim for Progress Instead

By |November 18th, 2021|

When someone says you’re a perfectionist, how do you feel? If you’re like most people, I bet you’d feel proud and happy. After all, being a perfectionist means you always aim for the best in everything. But there is a caveat to always seeking perfection. You can miss out

What are the 3 Agendas of Kanban?

By |October 26th, 2021|

The 3 agendas of Kanban have been created to provide context about how to tackle change from a Kanban system perspective. Kanban has been known for incremental evolution as opposed to radical change when it comes to improving processes and systems. One of its main principles says, “start with

9 Kanban Values to Help Boost Business Productivity

By |October 12th, 2021|

Most teams that start looking into implementing Kanban in their organizations think that they're all set when they have a Kanban board. This thinking is far from the truth. Kanban is more than just a bunch of cards and a board. Kanban requires a solid foundation to be implemented

Business Model Canvas Explained

By |September 22nd, 2021|

The business model canvas is an invaluable tool for any organization. It provides a structured and straightforward way to create a business model. Instead of writing lengthy paragraphs and documents to explain what the business does and how it makes money, the business model canvas enables companies to explain

The Waterfall Model & When to Use it for Project Management

By |September 1st, 2021|

Nowadays, companies want to incorporate Agile in every aspect of the business. But long before Agile came into the picture, almost everyone only knew of one way to do things in business. It’s this linear, step-by-step process called the Waterfall model that prevailed in the business operations scene. You