How to Organize Your Language Learning with Kanban (1)

Learning a new language can be a daunting task, especially when you don’t have a structured plan. In order to make progress and stay motivated, it’s important to have a clear system for organizing your language learning materials and tracking your progress. One effective method for this is using Kanban, a visual tool that helps you manage your tasks and projects.

What is Kanban?

Kanban is a Japanese word that means “visual signal” or “card”. It was originally developed in the manufacturing industry to improve production processes. However, it has since been adapted to other fields, including software development, project management, and personal productivity.

At its core, Kanban is a visual tool that helps you manage your tasks and projects by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable pieces. It uses a board with columns to represent different stages of a process and cards to represent individual tasks or items. The board can be physical or digital and can be customized to fit your specific needs.

7 Tips and Tricks for Using Kanban

Kanban is a popular method used in project management and personal organization, but it can also be applied to a wide range of tasks, including language learning. Kanban is based on the idea of visualizing tasks and workflow, breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces, and limiting work in progress to prevent overload and increase focus. Here are some tips and tricks for using Kanban:

  1. Start small. If you’re new to Kanban, start with a small project or task to get a feel for how it works. As you become more comfortable with Kanban, you can apply it to larger projects and tasks.
  2. Visualize your workflow. Use a Kanban board or other visual aid to map out your workflow and tasks. This will help you see where you are in the process and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Limit work in progress. To prevent overload and increase focus, limit the number of tasks you work on at one time. This will help you stay on track and avoid getting overwhelmed.
  4. Break down larger tasks. Break larger tasks down into smaller, more manageable pieces. This will help you make steady progress and avoid feeling overwhelmed by the scope of the task.
  5. Set goals and prioritize tasks. Set specific goals and priorities for your tasks. This will help you stay focused on what’s important and make progress toward your goals.
  6. Use data to measure progress. Track your progress using data and analytics. This will help you identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to your workflow and tasks as needed.
  7. Continuously improve. Kanban is based on the idea of continuous improvement. Regularly evaluate your workflow and tasks, and adjust as needed to optimize your process and achieve better results.

By following these tips and tricks, you can effectively apply Kanban to your projects and tasks, improve your productivity, and achieve your goals more efficiently. Whether you’re a project manager, student, or language learner, Kanban can be a powerful tool for visualizing your workflow, breaking down tasks, and making steady progress toward your goals.

Using Kanban for Language Learning

Applying Kanban to language learning involves breaking down your language learning goals into smaller, more manageable tasks and organizing those tasks on a Kanban board. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using Kanban for language learning:

Step 1: Define your language learning goals

Before you can start using Kanban to organize your language learning, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. This could include goals such as:

  • Learning a certain number of new vocabulary words each week
  • Practicing speaking for a certain amount of time each day
  • Completing a specific language textbook or online course

Whatever your goals may be, make sure they are specific, measurable, and achievable. Write them down and keep them somewhere you can easily reference them.

Step 2: Create your Kanban board

Once you have defined your goals, it’s time to create your Kanban board. You can use a physical whiteboard or bulletin board, or you can use a digital Kanban board.

Your board will serve as your language learning dashboard, with each columns representing the different stages of your language learning process. Here’s an example of what your board could look like:

  • To-Do: Tasks you haven’t started yet
  • In Progress: Tasks you are currently working on
  • Completed: Tasks you have finished
Kanban Zone Template - Basic Board

Step 3: Break down your language learning tasks

Now it’s time to break down your language learning tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces. This could include tasks such as:

  • Reviewing flashcards for 15 minutes
  • Listening to a podcast and taking notes
  • Practicing grammar exercises

Write each task on a separate card and place it in the “To-Do” column of your Kanban board.

Step 4: Move tasks through the columns

As you work on your language learning tasks, move them through the columns of your Kanban board. Start by moving a task from the “To-Do” column to the “In Progress” column when you start working on it. Then, move it to the “Completed” column when you finish it.

As you move tasks through the columns, you’ll be able to see your progress and feel a sense of accomplishment as you complete each task.

Step 5: Review and adjust your Kanban board regularly

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your Kanban board is essential to staying on track with your language learning goals. Take some time each week to review your progress and adjust your board as needed. You may find that certain tasks are taking longer than expected or that you need to add or remove tasks from your board.

By regularly reviewing and adjusting your Kanban board, you’ll be able to optimize your language learning process and make progress toward your goals.

Using Promova for Language Learning

In addition to using Kanban, there are also many language learning apps available that can help you learn on the go. One such app is Promova, which is designed to help you learn a new language through various activities, including listening exercises, speaking practice, and vocabulary quizzes.

Promova is available for both iOS and Android devices, making it easy to learn a new language on the go. It offers a variety of features, including:

  • Personalized learning plans tailored to your goals and proficiency level
  • Interactive activities designed to improve your speaking, listening, and reading skills
  • Vocabulary lists with audio pronunciations and example sentences
  • Progress tracking and analytics to help you stay motivated and measure your progress

Whether you’re commuting to work, waiting in line, or just having a few spare minutes, Promova makes it easy to fit language learning into your busy schedule.

Tips for Using Promova and Kanban Together

To make the most of Promova and Kanban, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Use Promova to supplement your Kanban board. While Kanban is a great way to organize your language learning tasks, Promova can provide additional resources and practice opportunities.
  2. Set goals in Promova and track your progress. Promova allows you to set personalized learning goals and track your progress over time. Use this feature to complement your Kanban board and stay motivated.
  3. Use Kanban to track your progress with Promova. As you complete exercises and activities in Promova, use your Kanban board to track your progress and stay on top of your language learning goals.

Combining Promova and Kanban can create a comprehensive system for organizing your language learning and making steady progress toward your goals.


Learning a new language can be challenging, but using Kanban can make it easier by providing a clear structure and visual organization system for your language learning tasks. By breaking down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks and using Promova to supplement your learning, you can create a powerful system for language learning that fits your busy lifestyle. So, get started with Kanban today, and start making progress toward your language learning goals!

This was a guest blog. Please review our guest blog disclaimer.

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About the Author: Valeriia Voloshko

Valeriia Voloshko
Valeriia Voloshko is a language enthusiast and an expert in using Kanban and Agile methodologies to optimize language learning. With years of experience in both language learning and project management, Valeriia has developed a unique approach to language learning that combines visual organization, goal setting, and data analysis to make steady progress toward fluency. Through her work, Valeriia aims to make language learning more accessible and achievable for anyone with the desire to learn.

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