10 Tools For Sales And Marketing Teams

In any business, sales and marketing are two of the most important departments. They are responsible for generating revenue and ensuring that the company is visible to its target market.

To be successful, sales and marketing teams need to have the right tools in place. The right tools can help them to improve their efficiency, close more deals, and better understand their customers.

In this article, we will take a look at some of the best tools for sales and marketing teams.

Kanban Zone

Kanban Zone is a platform built on the famous Japanese Kanban method of organization and task management pioneered by Toyota. Its flexible, no-code interface lets sales and marketing teams get up and running easily, and myriad templates, combined with helpful Kanban Zone experts available to help you troubleshoot and create helpful project and task visualizations. Check out their Marketing board template that can be used for both in-house marketing teams and agencies. 

This is a highly versatile sales and marketing tool that provides a nice, multimedia-rich alternative to something like Trello or Asana and, best of all, you get coached by Kanban pros to maximize your learning. 

Find out why Kanban Zone is a better Kanban project management tool vs. Trello.


Pitch is a presentation collaboration tool that lets sales and marketing teams working in disparate locations build compelling pitch decks in minutes. Pitch provides you with visually rich, easy-to-understand template formats that allow sales and marketing teams to convey information (to leads and new customers) in ways that increase conversions and improve customer experience. 

With a plethora of integrations with third-party programs like Notion, Pitch is one of the best ways for sales and marketing teams to stay on the same page no matter where they’re located. 


Salesforce is a powerful CRM tool that helps sales and marketing teams keep track of their customers, prospects, and leads. It also provides valuable insights into customer behavior and helps teams track their progress over time.

Where Salesforce really shines, though, is as a sales tool. It provides a robust set of features and functions that salespeople can use to manage their accounts, contacts, deals, and more. It’s also highly customizable, so sales teams can tailor it to fit their specific needs.

Overall, Salesforce is an excellent choice for sales and marketing teams looking for a comprehensive CRM tool. It offers a wealth of features and is highly customizable, making it a good fit for almost any team.


Hootsuite is one of those sales and marketing staples that just about everyone has heard of. And for good reason—it’s an incredibly powerful tool that helps sales and marketing teams manage their social media accounts.

Hootsuite gives users the ability to see all of their social media activity in one place, which is handy for keeping track of what’s going on. It also allows users to schedule posts and track their analytics, so they can see what’s working and what isn’t.


This is an essential sales and marketing tool to help teams find influencers, track their competitors, and generate content ideas. BuzzSumo allows users to see the most popular content across all social media platforms. It also allows users to track competitor activity and find influencers in their industry.

A great way to use BuzzSumo is to set up alerts for your competitor’s brand name. That way, you’ll always be the first to know when they publish new content. You can also use it to find influencers in your industry and build relationships with them.


SEINo is an email tracking software that enables businesses to gain unprecedented insights into their email campaigns, making it easier for marketing teams to optimize their strategies effectively. SEINo provides visually rich, easy-to-understand analytics and reporting formats that help businesses understand their email performance and make data-driven decisions to enhance engagement and conversions.

With many integrations with third-party programs like Google Analytics and Salesforce, SEINo ensures that marketing teams can seamlessly incorporate email performance data into their broader marketing strategy, no matter where they are located. This makes SEINo one of the best tools for businesses aiming to stay aligned and informed about their email marketing efforts. SEINo is a notable option among Braze competitors.


LeadPages is a very helpful sales and marketing tool that helps teams generate leads and drive traffic to their website. It allows users to create landing pages, pop-ups, and other forms of lead capture. LeadPages is an excellent tool for teams that are looking to increase their conversion rate and grow their leads list.

One particularly nice feature of lead pages for sales and marketing teams is that it integrates with a number of different CRMs and email marketing platforms. That way, you can easily transfer your leads into your sales pipeline or contact them directly through your email marketing tool.


Mixpanel is another one of those very helpful sales and marketing tools that allow teams to track their progress and understand their customer’s behaviour. It provides valuable insights into how users interact with your website or app.

Mixpanel is particularly helpful for sales and marketing teams because it allows you to see which features are being used the most, what conversion rates look like, and where users are drop off. This information can be extremely helpful for optimizing your sales and marketing efforts.


SendGrid is a tool that helps sales and marketing teams manage their email campaigns. It allows users to create and send newsletters, promotional emails, and other types of email marketing content. SendGrid is an excellent tool for teams that want to automate their email marketing.

One of the great things about SendGrid is that it integrates with a number of different CRMs and sales platforms. That way, you can easily add your contacts into your SendGrid account and start sending them emails.


Here is a sales and marketing tool that is specifically designed to help sales teams. Pipedrive is a CRM tool that helps sales teams manage their deals, contacts, and pipeline. It’s an excellent choice for sales teams that are looking for a CRM tool that is specifically designed to help with sales.

Pipedrive is known for its visual interface, which makes it easy to see where your deals are at and what the next steps are. It also has a number of features that make it easy to manage your contacts and deals, such as deal tagging and filtering.


Hunter is a tool that helps sales and marketing teams find email addresses. It’s particularly helpful for sales teams that are looking to contact a large number of people. Hunter allows users to find email addresses by domain name, so you can easily find the right contact information for the people you want to reach out to.

One of the great things about Hunter is that it’s very easy to use. Simply enter a domain name and Hunter will do the rest. It will provide you with a list of email addresses that you can use to contact the people you want to reach.


VoilaNorbert helps you find any email address, manage your leads and save a lot of time spent on creating an email list. It allows you to find leads, email addresses and contact information on any websites simply by clicking on a button. All your leads can then be exported, added into custom-made lists and/or contacted directly from Norbert with advanced tracking tools to know if they opened or even clicked on your emails.

VoilaNorbert lets you find any corporate email address, but also has a feature of verifying addresses in bulk and an email enrichment feature.


These are just some of the essential sales and marketing tools that every team should be using. Each tool serves a specific purpose and can help teams in a number of different ways. By using these tools, you’ll be able to increase your conversion rate, grow your leads list, and better understand your customer’s behavior.

This was a guest blog. Please review our guest blog disclaimer.

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About the Author: Laura MacDonald

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Laura MacDonald has been covering the productivity and sales, and marketing spaces for over a decade. She loves learning about and explaining new developments in sales and marketing. When she’s not researching and writing her next piece, she is probably out running with her dogs.

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