Make the Most of Scrum with Kanban Classes of Service
As more Scrum Masters and project management professionals recognize the benefits of using Scrum with Kanban, more of its core concepts, principles, and practices are being embraced and applied. More Scrum teams appreciate how Kanban metrics such as WIP limits, cycle times, and WIP Age help them be attuned
How To Balance Productivity and Creativity
There is a big difference between productivity and creativity. That’s a fact. But these two supposedly opposing forces that are constantly fighting for your time are actually two sides of the same coin. And if the work environment is established in such a way, one can fuel the other,
What is the DevOps CALMS Model?
The CALMS Model is an acronym often used to describe the mindset when undertaking DevOps. Let's explore. Culture - Automation - Lean - Measurement - Sharing Culture It is all about those pesky Humans! Culture is a choice made by the people within an organization. In order to influence
How Poor Planning Can Lead to Project Failure
Benjamin Franklin said it best, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Planning is critical to any project's success. Poor project planning is like letting your soldiers go to battle without any armor or weapon to use. It’s like going in the project blindly and still hoping
How to Prevent Employee Burnout
Have you experienced burnout yet? No? Happy to hear that. I love my job too! But, you’ve seen how it looks like, right? It’s that quiet guy that sits in the corner, what was his name, that one day started yelling he’s “had it” and leaves the office in
The Positive Influence of Slack Time
Slack time is a term loved by many, dreaded by others. Usually, the ‘others’ are project managers who ‘don’t want anyone sitting idle’. And of course, we can't plan slack time because we don’t know exactly when it’s going to happen. But it happens when our flow becomes unbalanced,