Kanban Board

5 Kanban Board Examples for Manufacturing

By |February 7th, 2020|

If you’re not new to Kanban, you know how it originated from the automotive manufacturing industry in Japan. From its roots in the manufacturing industry, we know today has since evolved into full-blown process management and improvement technique. It’s no longer just used to manage parts and stock levels

6 Tips to Increase Freelancer Productivity

By |January 28th, 2020|

The freelancing industry is slowly yet steadily growing. Nowadays, more talented individuals and tech companies become more open to the idea of working and hiring remote employees. In fact, among the big organizations (with 1000+ employees) from all over the world, 20% of them employ at least 30% remote

Digital Transformation in Manufacturing Companies

By |January 23rd, 2020|

Today’s technological advancements have made it easy for various businesses to scale their team and productivity. And as manufacturing companies consistently look for ways to streamline their production systems, the need for digital transformation of manufacturing operations is a must. If you are running a manufacturing business and would

Should Blocked Cards Count in Kanban WIP Limits?

By |January 15th, 2020|

This is a question we often get when a new team builds its first Kanban board. Once the process is visualized on the board, the team must assign WIP limits to create the ideal flow of work. The usual first reaction to setting WIP limits is that the number