COVID-19 Pandemic Preparedness Plan in Kanban – World Health Organization
As this world pandemic hit our global community, we wanted to find a way to provide help. In times like this, it’s key to understand your specific strengths and focus on these to help others. In our case, we provide the ability to create online Kanban boards and
Why Your Kanban System Implementation Failed: Having a Kanban Board is NOT Enough
Kanban system implementation may seem easy. Some think that having a board with a bunch of cards is what all Kanban is about. But it’s much more than the columns, swimlanes, and cards that flow through a board. Making a successful kanban system implementation is another story. Kanban is a
9 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance
Whether you work in the office or at home, it’s important that you also get to spend time with your family and loved ones doing non-work related stuff. Getting all of your work done is important, but so is maintaining a healthy work-life balance. But not everyone, especially workaholic people,
Effective Time Management Tips for Professionals
Professionals in various lines of work understand the importance of managing time. It is one of the most important resources for businesses. That is why many organizations are willing to spend their money and effort to make sure that everyone in their team is using their time wisely. From
5 Benefits of Imposing a Remote Work Policy During COVID-19 – Kanban Zone
Even before the coronavirus outbreak, many businesses have already been implementing a remote work setup. In fact, in the past decade, remote work has grown by 115%. And given the current situation, which calls for people to have less contact with the public for health and safety reasons, working
Thank You for Making Kanban Zone the Leader in Kanban Software
We listed Kanban Zone on G2 just a few months ago and since then our scores based on customer reviews have continuously moved us towards the Leaders quadrant. It’s with great pleasure that we share this G2 Grid screenshot below to capture this important moment in time for our