The world has already seen high volumes of cybersecurity threats and attacks in 2022. From Microsoft to Red Cross, thousands of big and small businesses have had their data compromised by malicious cybercriminals, and they’re not going to stop anytime soon.
Developing a mature cybersecurity system for your business is the only way to limit and prevent these pervasive attacks and ensure ongoing productivity. Implementing insider threat protection measures can be an effective strategy to safeguard your business from potential cybersecurity threats, as it can help detect and prevent malicious activities from within the organization.
Read on to find out which cybersecurity threats are most prevalent in 2022 and what you can do to prevent them from occurring.
1. Third-party Exposure
If a cybercriminal can’t hack a well-protected security system on their own, they might try to gain access via a less protected third-party system. By targeting the middlemen, cyber attackers can sneak into larger systems using privileged third-party access.
For example, in 2021 hackers stole data from 214 million Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook accounts. They achieved this by breaching a third-party contractor called Socialarks that all three mega-platforms had employed—and given privileged data access to.
2. Cross-cloud Attacks
As organizations expand their dependence on cloud storage, the risk of cross-cloud attacks worsens. If someone with access to your cloud falls victim to a phishing attack (or any attack involving the acquisition of login information), other hackers can use that opening to infiltrate the entire cloud.
Prevention tactic: Use multi-factor authentication (MFA). One of the biggest reasons behind cloud attacks is the use of the same or similar passwords throughout the system. MFA programs entail three layers of authentication: a unique username or password, a physical authenticator app, and a retinal or fingerprint scan for triple-tight cloud security.
3. Mobile Device Vulnerabilities
In 2021, 46% of businesses that experienced a security leakage involved a compromised download via mobile. Covid-19 ensured that companies now rely on mobiles for work more than ever, and can easily use the devices to intercept larger data networks.
Prevention tactics: Set facial recognition or fingerprint scans for mobile access to data, do not perform sensitive transactions via mobile, and most importantly, educate employees about mobile device security.
4. Phishing
Even though most people are already aware of the dangers of phishing, it remains one of the most common cyber threats in 2022. The act of phishing entails a cyber attacker (often disguised as a familiar brand, app, or service) persuading you to take action that gives the attacker access to your data.
It could be a link to a document, an app, or a page that requires you to enter personal data. Because of how elaborate the set-ups can be, phishing poss a major threat to your business’s data security.
Prevention tactics: Employ skepticism and extreme caution when receiving alarming messages. Do not open suspicious links or downloadable documents and always keep your operating system up to date.
5. PDF Scams
PDF scams are becoming increasingly common amongst small and medium-sized businesses. Similar to phishing, the primary goal of a PDF scammer is to get you to open a malware-infected PDF file.
They typically come as an email, often claiming an account statement is attached or a security policy needs to be updated. Once you open the PDF, it exposes your device to malware or ransomware that steals your private data.
Prevention tactics: Add employee training to your agenda and teach them to spot abnormal email addresses, identify generic headings (such as “Sir” or “Madam” instead of your company name), and install a secure virus protection program.
In 2022, prevention is better than cure. Staying informed about emerging cyber security threats is key to keeping your business afloat and your data safe.
This was a guest blog. Please review our guest blog disclaimer.
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