Dimitri Ponomareff

Is Kanban Agile?

By |October 24th, 2019|

As an Agile practitioner, I get this question a lot. Everyone has heard of SCRUM and often interchange the words Agile and SCRUM. They are in fact, different things. Back To Basics Agile is a way of thinking, a way you go about your everyday work and is based

Agile Mindset – Product Focus vs Project Focus

By |October 15th, 2019|

What makes an agile approach to completing a project different than a traditional approach to completing a project? Both have the same end goal. Both want a successful project on time and within budget and happy customers. Agile Mindset: Focus on Product Decisions, Not on Project Decisions An Agile

Using Card Labels to Categorize Kanban Cards

By |October 3rd, 2019|

Before designing your Kanban board, the first step is to define the types of Kanban cards that will be flowing on this board. Although it can feel more logical to just build the board, thinking first about the actual types of work (card labels) is a critical first step.

Kanban for Coaching

By |September 24th, 2019|

As a coach, my role is to help people who seek services to create actionable goals and/or tasks that have been agreed by both coach and coachee. In this collaborative relationship, having clarity and accountability is key to ensure that real noticeable progress is being made. Both coach and

Groundhog Kanban Cards a.k.a. Recurring Cards

By |September 18th, 2019|

Do you have certain events, activities or tasks that repeat on a set schedule? If you find yourself creating the same Kanban card on a regular basis, then you might want to invest in the ability to create recurring cards. How to create a recurring card Once you notice

Attachments on Kanban Cards: Simple & Secure

By |September 11th, 2019|

When collaborating with your team or external stakeholders it’s important to keep everything related to a Kanban card directly on the card. This increases efficiency by not having to ask or look for pieces of information about a card, that should just be readily available on the card. We