Need more than 250 licenses?

If you need more than 250 licenses, we should talk as we can provide you with volume pricing and a custom plan to suit your specific needs. Don’t forget that you get unlimited free guest licenses (view access only).

What else is part of the Enterprise plan?

Our clients who are on the enterprise plan typically seek initial guidance in setting up their ideal system and ongoing checkpoints to continuously improve. We can include or create custom packages with our Professional Services who can guide you along the way. We can also provide training services to onboard your teams and specific coaching sessions to ensure that your teams fully unleash all the benefits of the Kanban method. We are here to help and make sure that we can assist you with the best software but also the right level of support.

Already a member of Kanban Zone?

If you are already a member of Kanban Zone, then make sure to provide the same email address used to access Kanban Zone. We will contact you back quickly to make sure that you can add more licenses fast.

  • This number will help use provide volume pricing