Release Notes > 11/13/2018


  • Import cards from a CSV file and Export cards to a CSV file.Kanban Zone - import export cards
  • Organize your card labels in whatever order you want with drag & drop.
  • Delete cards from any column on the board, no longer only when cards were in the archive state. Although we do offer a confirmation screen before you can delete your card, please be aware that once you confirm the deletion of a card, there is no way to get it back.
  • Move cards to specific columns of your current board or another board, lean more…

Move to Columns

  • Improvements to the card add and card edit screens by re-organizing the icons at the top of the card instead of lined up vertically on the right of the card.
  • Adding a member as a task owner on a checklist, now automatically adds that members as a watcher on the card.
  • Display the actual date and time under the history of both cards and boards. This was a customer request to improve the detail in the audit trails. We love it when our customers send us feedback!


  • The card’s remaining count on Free plans now calculates correctly the amount of cards available.
  • The title of a card now wraps correctly and no longer leaves a white space above the card label in card edit.
  • Moving a card to another board now retains the full history of the card, instead of resetting the history.
  • Multiple fixes to the mobile experience, especially when opening up menus from the top navigation.

Coming next…

We are finishing up the redesign of the top navigation and all panels (search, filter, alerts and boards). This will provide a better user experience to access all the key functionality in Kanban Zone. We also completed the development of two significant premium add-ons:

  • Custom Fields – the ability to create your own custom fields to use on cards and filter your board based on these custom fields.
  • Voting on Cards – to help your members show their support on specific cards, you will be able to vote on cards and see who voted on the card.

The next release will be coming out very soon…

As always, don’t hesitate to send us your feedback, so that we can continue to improve Kanban Zone. You will never hurt our feelings if you find an issue. or something that could be improved, so don’t be shy.

– The Kanban Zone Team