Release Notes > 1/28/2019


  • We now offer the ability to add multiple members to a board.multiple member inte
  • Revamped all panels (board, search, filter and alerts) with a dark style to contract the board columns.
  • Improve export to now include custom fields, column name and column state.
  • The user’s avatar now shows a tool-tip with the first and last name of the user.


  • To prevent deleting boards by mistake, deleting a board now requires to type the word DELETE to confirm board deletion.
  • The reset password link now has a 15 minute expiration time limit.
  • Cards using non ASCII characters in the card title no longer breaks the url.

As always, don’t hesitate to send us your feedback, so that we can continue to improve Kanban Zone. You will never hurt our feelings if you find an issue. or something that could be improved, so don’t be shy.

– The Kanban Zone Team